Chinatown Square
Chinatown Square image

2100 South Archer Avenue

To reach Chinatown Square, continue walking north up Wentworth, passing Chinatown Gate and across 22nd Street (Cermak Road). Continue north on Wentworth, one block, to Archer Avenue. On the north side of Archer, just to your left, you'll see Chinatown Square.

Chinatown Square was constructed in 1993 and is a two-level retail and commercial space with numerous shops and restaurants. The structure is built around a large open square where locals and others gather for cultural performances and celebrations.

Zodiac Signs in Chinatown Square

Mural in Chinatown Square

Be sure to check-out the twelve bronze Chinese zodiac figures which line the square and the 8-foot by 38-foot Chinatown Mural. The Chinatown Mural is made-up of 100,000 individually cut and hand-painted pieces, and depicts the history of Chinese immigrants in the United States.