James R. Thompson Center
James R. Thompson Center image

100 West Randolph Street
Helmut Jahn, architect

Audio Tour

Cross Wacker Drive at the crosswalk and continue walking south on LaSalle Street. When you reach Randolph Street, turn left -- or east. On your left, between LaSalle and Clark Streets, is the James R. Thompson Center. Please note that the building is undergoing extensive renovations, so expect construction barriers surrounding the building. Please follow all pedestrian related construction signage, respect barriers, and stay clear of all construction activity.

Originally called the State of Illinois Center, the building was renamed in 1993 after the 37th governor of Illinois -- who served from 1977 to 1991. The Thompson Center (now closed) was home to the Chicago offices of the State of Illinois. The 1.2-million-square-foot, 332-foot-tall building contained a 160-foot in diameter atrium, with a main concourse and lower level comprised of shops and a mall-like food court.

Since it's opening in 1985, people either loved or hated this Helmut Jahn designed building. Some liken it to a UFO. It also was known for its maintenance issues, including difficulty keeping the building cool in the summer given its glass exterior. Whatever you think, the Thompson Center is a remarkably imaginative building.

The building's difficult up-keep and back-logged maintenance were eventually too much for the State of Illinois. The state sold the building to Google in 2022 for $105 million, and Google plans to transform the building into a second Chicago headquarters. This was great news for preservationists, as the building is no longer threatened with demolition.

With Google's renovations expected to be completed in 2026, we hope some portion of this unique building will be open to the public.

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Thompson Center Atrium